About Reflections in a teacup

Life is an experiment that involves constant tries and various procedures to achieve desired results or one must say satisfaction.

Said that sharing one’s personal experiences with another, some  times improves our own lives thus open doors to happiness and above all personal satisfaction.

In this very small corner of the web, I would like to highlight and share some of my personal experiences, ideas, my cooking ventures and recipes, poetry writing, and various other fun stuff that intrigues and inspires me. 🙂

I decided to contribute to my blog under a unique theme based trademark Reflections in a teacup. The name Reflection in a teacup holds a diverse range of freedom that inspires me to write and express freely on various thoughts that crosses my mind.

It took me quite some time to decide on a theme for my blog. My inner person wanted to categorize items but then I got a very inspiring advise to keep everything simple and on  front page for an easy navigation.

If you are new to my site, take a minute to explore around. Each post is unique from poems to recipes to books reviews, to general feedback about a product, to family and lifestyle advice, and much more. Follow me on my blog as I build, explore and share my experiences.

I invite you to also visit my Facebook Page for the collection of fun articles and interesting posts that I personally liked.

Follow me on Twitter and on Instagram  for my everyday tweets, thoughts, beautiful captures and much more. I will include the link to my social media accounts at the bottom of this page.

Thanks for visiting my blog and stay tune for upcoming interesting reads.

Noor Reflection


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reflectionsinateacup

Twitter: @rinateacup

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reflectionsinateacup/

